Berlin United
Humboldt University Berlin - Adaptive Systems

The Berlin United team, formerly called Nao Team Humboldt (NaoTH), from the Humboldt University of Berlin participates at the international competitions of RoboCup which encourage the comparison and exchange of creative ideas. The competitions are organized by the RoboCup Federation and are supported by the national committees. We are a project of the Adaptive Systems Group at the Humboldt University Berlin.

Data Science Infrastructure


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Tools for Data Driven Research and Development in RoboCup

In this project we develop a toolbox (a set of tools) to support collection, organization and analysis of large amounts of RoboCup specific data enabling detailed analysis to promote data driven research and development in RoboCup.

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Lab: RUD 25, 3.110

+49 (30) 2093 41173

Lab-meeting: Monday 17pm - 18pm (Zoom)